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網站:公文素材庫 | 時間:2019-05-13 14:44:21 | 移動端:上帝也瘋狂經典臺詞大全



a) 女人無所謂背叛,

b) 是因為引誘不夠;

c) 男人無所謂忠誠,

d) 是因為背叛的籌碼不夠

e) And why are you so beautiful?

f) I'm going to the school to give her these.

g) You gonna look like that?

h) Like what?

i) Like it's a funeral.

j) You've gotta smile and tell her she looks good.

k) How are you an expert on women?

l) I got seven wives. How many you got?

m) Why aren't you at home with them?

n) I know how to marry them.

o) Nobody knows how to live with them.

p) So, what did you marry them for?

q) Someday I have to tell you the facts of life.

r) And yet we all agree that every plate we break...

s) 男一號:我?guī)退砩系拇,還不小心碰了她內-褲下。男二號:那他(騎車)就上樹了? 情景:(指著在樹上吊著的汽車)

t) And of course they know what to do about water.

u) For instance, in the early morning, you can collect dewdrops from leaves that were carefully laid out the previous evening.

v) Or a plume of gracan be a reservoir.

w) lf you have the know-how, an insignificant clump of twigs can tell you where to dig and you come to light with an enormous tuber. You scrape shavings off it with a stick that is split for a sharp edge. You take a handful of the shavings, point your thumb at your mouth and squeeze.

x) They must be the most contented people in the world.


廣袤無垠的非洲大陸,現(xiàn)代文明與原始社會和諧共存。在離現(xiàn)代大都市六千公里的卡拉哈里沙漠腹地,生活著仍未受到外來文明影響的布須曼人。他們刀耕火種,狩獵農作,過著與世無爭、敬畏自然的平靜生活。某天,一支來自現(xiàn)代文明的可樂瓶打亂了他們一成不變的日子。最先發(fā)現(xiàn)瓶子的基(N!xau 飾)將其帶回部落,族人驚嘆可樂瓶子的完美構造和繁多的用途,認為這是上帝賜予他們的禮物?墒桥d奮的心情很快為別樣的情緒所取代,習慣了平等共有的族人開始想要將瓶子據為己有,矛盾悄然而生;辉缚吹阶迦税l(fā)生爭吵與毆斗,于是決定將可樂瓶還給上帝,只為恢復曾經平靜快樂的生活……

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